Two Signs You Need To Upgrade Your Landscaping Soil Supplies

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Two Signs You Need To Upgrade Your Landscaping Soil Supplies

27 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

There are changes that you can make to transform your landscape into an outdoor haven, from installing pavers on your walkways to constructing barrier walls and even purchasing both native and exotic plants from your local wholesale nursery. However, if you have low-quality soil, you cannot do much about your landscape's plant life. The good news is that technological advancements in the landscaping industry have brought about a range of soil supplies that you can invest in, such as engineered soil, compost soil and more. But before you can take measures to improve soil quality, you first need to determine how unhealthy it is. Once you know this, you can consult with your landscape contractor about the best way forward. Below are two signs that you need to upgrade your landscaping soil supplies.


When you run soil between your fingers, it is supposed to feel soft yet grainy. This softness comes from the moisture it has absorbed. Your soil must have healthy levels of moisture, as this is what keeps the roots of your grass and plants protected from dehydration. If you try to grasp the soil and it crumbles at your touch, that is a sign of excessive dehydration. Extremely dry soil will also feel crumbly, which means the grains completely lack moisture. To improve the health of your landscape, you can overhaul the dehydrated soil and have it replaced with engineered soil. This soil supply is mixed for your specific application, so if you want to grow a lush lawn, upgrading your soil supplies will make this considerably easier. Engineered soil also does not need the frequent watering that its organic counterpart does, so your landscaping chores are reduced too.


Another common issue that will make your landscaping efforts seem like an exercise in futility is soil compaction. As the soil hardens, it makes it exceedingly harder for your plants' roots to absorb moisture, which subsequently suffocates them. As a result, the plants weaken and this makes them vulnerable to diseases and pest infestations, so you'll find that your landscape seems to be in a perpetual state of dying. Moreover, watering the soil does not help. If the primary soils that make up your landscape are clay and sand, there will always be the risk of compaction occurring again unless you engage in painstaking soil maintenance. A better solution is to have your landscaping contractor upgrade your soil supplies. You can switch out your cohesive soils that are susceptible to compaction with organic planting soil. Furthermore, steps such as routine aeration plus the introduction of microbial activity can keep the new soil particles loose.